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Astrological Analysis
Remedial Measures
Name: Sex:Male Date of Birth:January 01,1980 00:00:00Hr.
Place:Delhi,Delhi,India Latitude:028.40.N Longitude:077.13.E
Sadesati Detail

The transit of Saturn into the zodiac sign from the house in which planet Moon is located at the time of your birth is known as Saade Saati of Saturn. The Saade Saati of Saturn has three phases: The transit of Saturn into twelfth house from Zodiac sign of birth is called the first phase. The transit into the birth sign is the second phase. The transit into the second sign from the birth sign is the third phase. As Saturn remains for two and half year in each phase that is why it is called Saade Saati. The seven and half years are never always unlucky only. The favourableness and unfavourableness of Saturn depends upon its relations (friendly/enemy/neutral)with the ruler of that particular house and according to the ownership of Saturn in the house of birth sign.
First Cycle:
First Phase:28/01/1960 - 31/01/1961
Second Phase:31/01/1961 - 26/01/1964
Third Phase:26/01/1964 - 08/04/1966
Second Cycle:
First Phase:15/12/1987 - 19/03/1990
Second Phase:19/03/1990 - 04/03/1993
Third Phase:15/03/1993 - 31/05/1995
Third Cycle:
First Phase:25/01/2017 - 23/01/2020
Second Phase:23/01/2020 - 27/04/2022
Third Phase:27/04/2022 - 28/03/2025
Result for first phase
Your first phase of Saade Saati begins With the transit of Saturn into the Capricorn sign. Saturn remains in its own Capricorn sign in the first phase. Here Saturn is positioned in twelfth house while ruling the Lagna and the twelfth house. Now you keep on turning very rude and with this reason, you have to face insult several times. Friction arises among family members and you have to face their discord. Your friends go antagonist and you start feeling restlessness in life and like to stay away from home. Though the income increases, the expenses also go up as well. The friends also begin behaving like enemies, but they do not succeed in harming you. You do not feel short of money and due to your obstinity and wrong planning, you have to face unsuccess which creates problems and brings a change in your conduct. Mainly there is shrewdness in behaviour and you lose confidence. You become very clever in conversation and due to this cleverness, you fulfil all your desires. You develop a feeling of proudness and you may also be blessed with a son. You may have to travel long journey which prove to be lucky for you. You may own a vehicle, property, land etc. You succeed in the jobs related to intelligence and you get inclined towards religious and social work. You also progress in the field of education. You successfully earn money by adopting unfair means to some extent. You may turn contentious to mother and develop a rivalry against maternals. Anger is developed and you find disappointment from children. You get diverted towards virtual and luxury which may result you to face insult many times. You fight boldly against the rivals and heave a sigh of relief only after finishing them. You may avail a chance of getting transferred at a good place due to the happiness of the officers. You receive respect/prosperity and spend a lot on recreation and travels. You also turn theist and spend on donations and religious performances. From health point of view, this period is unfavourable and many disorders may arise in the body, due to irregularity in taking meals. You may have to hospitalised also.
Result for second phase
Your second phase of Saade Saati begins with the transit of Saturn into the Aquarius sign. In the second phase, Saturn is positioned in its own sign Aquarius, which is also known as the basic triangular sign of Saturn. Here Saturn takes its position in Lagna while ruling the twelfth house and the Lagna itself. In such a situation, you earn money by adopting different means and find help from friends and the family members. You also develop relations with sincere friends and after sometime, you fall a prey to different afflictions. There are sudden chances of acquiring wealth from In-laws, family or by lottery and speculation. You get aside from virtuous jobs and if your enemies try to take revenge during this period, they face defeat only. You remain in good health and there appears an agile in your nature. You lead a luxurious and comfortable life and succeed in your planning's only through your own efforts, strength and power. As you develop an interest towards religion, there are occasions of fire sacrifices and other religious performances in the house. You also earn fame for some remarkable act. In such a period, you may go abroad and adopt some business or job successfully over there. As you are fully confident of your will power, and perform every activity with your efforts, you don't like to seek help from anybody. But sometimes, you involve in sins and become a part of defamation. You are very perfect in discussions and debates and get promoted in your job. Generally you suffer from phlegm (cough & cold).

Result for third phase
Your third and the last phase of Saade Saati begins with the transit of Saturn into the Pisces sign. In the third phase, Saturn remains in the Pisces sign of its allied Planet Jupiter. Here Saturn is positioned in the second house while ruling the twelfth house and the Lagna. During this period, you turn to be a frank and polite spokesman and you fulfil your words. You develop into an able personality clever in fulfilling your motives, so you always win the debates and discussions. You also find the company of good people and participate in benevolent and religious activities. Further, there are occasions of fire sacrifices and religious performances in the family and you enjoy extreme delight in the house. You also develop a desire for learning different arts and you earn money through writing. You turn very lawful, generous and spend for Nobel reasons. You may own a vehicle also. You may succeed in the profession related to iron, coal, medicines, wood, oil, dyeing and in the field of education etc. There is an opportunity of foreign trip. You sometimes create troubles for your younger brothers. If you are leading a students life, you may find hurdles in your studies. In brief, you lead a sociable, respectful and contented life. The journey towards East is more beneficial.

The complete period of Saturn's Saade Saati does not remain same. Its favourableness and unfavourableness depends upon the star under which Saturn is moving. The remedies for reducing the sinner effects of Saade Saati are based on Mantra, devotion, worship and donations. A thorough analysis of the horoscope is required in this regard, for the knowledge of remedies for reducing the harm. For the DOSH SHANTI, the following remedies may be adopted for lessening the sinner effects of Saade Saati. There are great possibilities of benefit, if these remedies are adopted prior to beginning of the Saade Saati :-

Remedies for SadeSati
1. Lord Saturn should be worshipped and oil may be offered in temple on every Saturday.

2. In the evening, the following mantra of Saturn should be muttered for 108 times : "OM Sah Shanishcharai Namah" or "OM Sham Shanishchrai Namah".

3. Keep a fast for atleast 40 Saturdays. This fast should be started in the brighter half of the lunar month.

4. A mustard oil lamp should be lighted under a peepal tree.

5. Iron, black collyrium(kala surma), mustard oil, leather shoes, black cloth, liquor, black urd dal etc. should be donated on Saturday.

6. A ring made up of black horse shoe or nail of the boat or blue sapphire should be worn.

7. Serve the people of low birth or give donations to them.

8. Liquor or meat should not be consumed on Saturday.

9. The black collyrium (kala surma), should be put under earth, on Saturday.

10. The Almonds and coconut should be caused to flow in the river or running water, on Saturday.

11. Do not drink milk on Saturday night.


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