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Astrological Analysis
Remedial Measures
Name: Sex:Male Date of Birth:January 01,1980 00:00:00Hr.
Place:Delhi,Delhi,India Latitude:028.40.N Longitude:077.13.E
Select Year
Remedial measures through Gems

If you are facing general health problems or want to improve your personality traits, wear Ruby
If you feel that the wealth coming do not accumulate, or to improve your status and self expression, wear Emerald
If you feel that your efforts not fructifying or facing problems from younger brothers and sisters, wear Diamond
If your parents are facing problems or you are finding some difficulty in purchase of vehicle/property or want to attain better results for your graduation studies and domestic peace, wear Coral
If you are incurring losses in speculation, having abdomen upsets or wants to make good intelligence defeciencies, wear Yellow Saphire
If marriage proposal is not getting through or not carrying harmoneous relations with spouse or pal, wear Emerald
If not getting favour of luck,facing problem from father, wants to enhance chances of foreign travel and inclination towards spritualisn, wear Coral
If you are feeling insecurity of job or profession, wear Coral
If are you facing problem from elder brother or want to get rid of income fluctuations, wear Emerald


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