Calculation |
Astrological Analysis |
Remedial Measures |
Name: |
Sex:Male |
Date of Birth:January 01,1980 00:00:00Hr. |
Place:Delhi,Delhi,India |
Latitude:028.40.N |
Longitude:077.13.E |
TimeZone:5Hr.30Mt. |
Dasha Predictions |
04/10/2006 - 13/06/2009 in this period you will be under Influence of Sat (Mahadasha) and Mer (Antardasha) |
During this period, your creative intellect will pave your way towards success. As a writer, poet, musician, you will shine in your respective fields. In your business / trade, you will get ample opportunities which could be avail you using your brains. An increase in income & status is also indicated. You will come across influential people and make very good relationship with them. A partnership or association could also be formed. If you are in service, chances of getting a promotion are very strong. Your work and skill will be appreciated by your superiors.You may also be asked to shouldered additional responsibilities. As a student, you will take keen interest in your studies. If you are appearing for competition / examination, then very good results may be anticipated. This is also a very good period for degree courses. On the domestic front, you will find peace and harmony. A celebration of function is also likely to take place in your family. |
13/06/2009 - 23/07/2010 in this period you will be under Influence of Sat (Mahadasha) and Ket (Antardasha) |
This is a period,where you will spend most of your time building castles in the air and not pay enough attention to what is going on around you.Your business / trade will suffer because of your high hopes and aspirations and no backing as far as dedicated work is concerned. You will want to enter into new ventures and dream of expending your present business when all around you, there will be chaos. You may have problems in your business dealings and not pay heed to your well wishers sound advice. You will suffer heavy losses and set backs & get yourself involved in major fights with your partners which may eventually lead to a brighter break-up. If you are employed, your work needs to improve. You may have to meet almost impossible deadlines or suffer the consequences. You could lack sincerity and this will certainly get you into the bad books of your superiors. If you are a student,you have to work extra hard if you wish to get good results.Any neglect will lead to failures. Your family life needs to be taken care of & you're advised to take this seriously as disintegration is indicated. |
23/07/2010 - 22/09/2013 in this period you will be under Influence of Sat (Mahadasha) and Ven (Antardasha) |
During this period,you will be advised to be fascinated by lucrative ideas as well as offers. At times, you might lack to see through inner reality of the offers. In your business / trade, you can do fairly well and desired good dividends if you plan your action properly. However, there is a lot of scope to show your intellect and shape your plans into concrete shape. Your friends and well wishers will extend their whole heated support towards you. If you are working somewhere, then this period will enable you to earn higher rank and subsequently increase in income. You will become quite famous in your office circle. As a student, you can do very well in your studies provided you exercise an extreme check of your flirtatious tendencies. On the domestic front, you would not have much problems. A marriage or birth of a child may take place during this period. |
22/09/2013 - 04/09/2014 in this period you will be under Influence of Sat (Mahadasha) and Sun (Antardasha) |
During this period, you might develop the tendency to not listen to others.An element of aggression may be easily noticed in your temperament. In your business / trade, you are likely to suffer losses or set backs because of your irrational approach while taking the problems. You may enjoy your partners / associates and break-up could be result. We would like to advised you be practical and methodical in your approach to get the desired results. If you are in service, then your service conditions are going to be deteriorated. You might develop a strained relationship with your superiors / bosses etc. You may also be transferred during this period. As a student, you may not take keen interest in your studies. With the results, your future plans may be shattered cards palace. Family members attitude may not be cordial towards and disputes over small issues are possible. The health of some one in the family may not keep well. |
04/09/2014 - 04/04/2016 in this period you will be under Influence of Sat (Mahadasha) and Mon (Antardasha) |
Overall, a period of pipe dreams, you will be over ambitious but less inclined to put in the work required for success. In your business / trade, you will fare rather badly. Your lack of initiative could ease your rivals path and you could suffer loss of face. However, you will be plagued with indecisiveness and your approach to solving matters of concern will have much to be derived. You could suffer heavy losses because of wrong assessment of people and the circumstances and the decisions you take will be stupid and hasty bringing more problems your way.If you are in service,you will tend to rub people up the wrong way and get into major arguments with your superiors. You will be over ambitious and act over smart. This could cause you problems. You are advised to behave yourself if you wish to further your career in your present post. If you are a student, you will really have to work very hard and cast aside other pursuits and even reduce time on your hobbies to achieve satisfactory results. Family life will not be very good. There will be lot of tension in the air. Your mother may fall ill for quite some time. |
04/04/2016 - 14/05/2017 in this period you will be under Influence of Sat (Mahadasha) and Mar (Antardasha) |
This is not a very good period for you.In your business or trade, you will face a lot of problems and work will be impeded most probably due to your employees unwillingness to co-operate with your high demands. You are advised not to make rash decisions or take up matters before their time as this could worsen the already tense state of affairs. You may also incur heavy losses and get involved in fights and major arguments with your partners and workers. This could lead to a break-up and more problems. If you are employed, your service conditions will not be good & will slowly deteriorate with the passing of time. Your colleagues will create a lot of problems for you and you may get yourself a bad reputation. Be aware of all gossip-mongers. You may consider switching to another job. If you are a student or planning to appear for some competitive examination, you will have to work very hard. Your non-serious approach will be to your advantage and you may suffer the failure after another. Family life will be normal. There may be some misunderstanding with your spouse. You may get taken ill suddenly. |
14/05/2017 - 20/03/2020 in this period you will be under Influence of Sat (Mahadasha) and Rah (Antardasha) |
This is a good period for you. You will be able to gain control of any problematic situations in your business / trade and your clear thinking and the desire to succeed will help you further your business to a great extent. You could enter into a new venture and your shrewdness and hard work will pay off. During this period, you may make a lot of money but you are advised to put it to good use and not squander it away.There will be a good understanding between you and your partner and work will progress in an easy and relaxed atmosphere. You may travel quite a lot and build up new contacts which will prove beneficial to you in the future. If you are in service, this is a very good period for you. You may be given some important assignments to do and your efficiency at completing them in a short period of time will be appreciated by your superiors. You will also be very popular with your colleagues. A promotion too is on the cards for you. If you are a student or appearing for some competitive examinations, all the hard work you put in will pay off and you will be able to achieve the desired results.Family life will be peaceful and there will be harmony. However, some members may be taken ill suddenly. |
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