At present you are passing through the main period of Mercury. Its main period has been in operation from 17th June 1995 and would last till 5th October 2009. Mercury is lord of the houses governing efforts, initiatives, courage, siblings, conjugal bliss, expenses etc. in your birth chart. In addition to this it is the natural significator of assessment power, analytical and decisive powers, communication skills, confidence, knowledge of accounts etc. Mercury is well placed in your birth chart in its own house. Good placement and strength of Mercury in your birth chart indicates that you might be enjoying most of the traits to a large extent in your routine life.
At present you are passing through the sub period of Sun in the main period of Mercury. The sub period of Sun has been in operation from 10 September 2001 and would last till 15 September 2002. Thereafter i.e. from 16 July 2002 to 14 December 2003, you would be passing through the sub period of Moon. It indicates that most of the time during the period under consideration you would be passing through the sub period of Sun. It is lord of the houses governing social status, wealth, family, precious gems etc. In addition to this Sun is the natural significator of will power, vitality, authority, person in authority, resistance power, superiors, respect etc. Sun is well placed in your birth chart but is slightly weak in strength due to malefic influence on it. As a result of which you might experience some kind of difficulties in enjoying some of the traits of Sun that have been mentioned above. For example your vitality may be slightly weak or disturbances may crop up in enjoying a happy family life etc. However no major hazard is indicated since Sun is well placed in your birth chart. The sub period of Moon the lord of the house governing health would be in operation from 16 July 2002 to 14 December 2003. Moon is weak in strength in your birth chart. As a result of which you might experience occasional mental stress or coughs and colds during the sub period of Moon. You are required to be careful in this regard. Despite this the sub period of Sun is favourable for elevating your social status further. You should try to encash the opportunity. In addition to this the present period is likely to be favourable for enjoying favours from superiors or person in authority.