Sample Analysis : Life predictions

Sample Analysis : Life predictions

Sun is the lord of the 4th house in your birth chart. This house governs mother, vehicles, domestic peace, education, properties, mind, possession, etc. In addition to this Sun is the natural significator of authority, will power ...............

Moon is the lord of the 3rd house in your birth chart. This house governs younger brothers /sisters, courage, etc. in your birth chart. In addition to this Moon is the natural significator of mother ...............

Mars is lord of the 7th and 12th houses in your birth chart. These houses govern spouse, partnerships, conjugal bliss, residence abroad, travel ...............

Mercury is the lord of the 2nd and 5th houses in your birth chart. These houses govern wealth, family, ...............

Jupiter is lord of the 8th and 11th houses in your birth chart. These houses govern longevity, inheritance, ...............

Venus is lord of the 1st and 6th houses in your birth chart. These houses govern body, personality, ...............

Saturn is the lord of the 9th and the 10th house in your birth chart. These houses govern father, profession, ...............
The various areas of your life can be summarized as:


Overall Analysis of Your Horoscope

Strengths in your horoscope

The planetary configuration of your birth chart indicates that you are a learned, kind and generous person and hold good amount of knowledge. Your resistance power is strong and you have fine tastes ...............

Weaknesses in your horoscope

The analysis of your charts indicates that you might lose your temperament ...............

Your Professional Career

The lord of the house governing profession is well placed in your birth chart. Its placement in its own house indicates that you professionally you are ...............

Your Financial Status

The planet that rules the house of income ...............

Your Relations with Parents and Siblings

The lord of the house-governing parents is ...............

Your Children

The lord of the houses governing children ...............

Your health in general

The planet that governs the house of health and resistance power is ...............

Your Marital Life

The planet that signifies marriage and romantic pleasures ...............

Analysis of Main Periods & Sub-Periods :

Saturn: 13th April 1963 to 13th June 1967

The main period of Saturn was in operation at the time of your birth ...............

Mercury: 13th June 1967 to 12th June 1984

The main period of Mercury ...............

The period that operated from _________ might have been favourable for you.

Ketu: 12th June 1984 to 13th June 1991

The main period of Ketu ...............

Venus: 13th June 1991 to 13th June 2011

At present you are passing ...............

The periods during __________ might have been beneficial than the period from __________

At present you are passing through the sub period of Jupiter ................

An improvement in the sub period of Saturn.

The sub period of Mercury ...............

The sub period of ...............

Sun: 13th June 2011 to 12th June 2017

The main period of Sun would ...............

The sub period of Sun ................

The sub period of Moon ................

The sub period of Mars ................

The sub period of Rahu ................

Moon: 12th June 2017 to 13th June 2027

Moon is a benefic planet .................

Mars: 13th June 2027 to 12th June 2034

You would be old when ...............

Final conclusion:

The analysis of your horoscope ...............