Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

about Aquarius

Aquarians are honest, loyal, original, inventive, independent and intellectual. According to Indian Astrology, Aquarians in general come in two different types: shy, and lively. Both are strong-willed and honest. Their thoughts are orderly and they plan their life in a systematic manner. Sometimes they are aggressive and loud. They are unprejudiced and can see other's points of views. Aquarians are serious, but they can also be funny with a dry sense of humor. They are also logical and intelligent. There are times when they feel the need to withdraw from people and be alone for a while, which causes some people to think that Aquarians are a loner. But, while they are alone, they enjoy meditating and prayer. Aquarians are usually gifted in drama.

Zodiac Prediction for the Month of September 2024

Careful balance needs to be maintained in your family and relatives. You may be gentle and loving at home and dynamic, forceful at your work place. You will be busy in your family related matters during this month. New problems may arise in day to day work which may be resolved amicably with the intervention of some influential person. You will honor your family sentiments which will benefit you later. But the situation will improve gradually and you may get name, fame in your social circle. To achieve better results you have to put more efforts in your business/Profession. You will have to wait for enhancement in business and for promotion in service. Your economic condition may improve gradually. You will get benefited from your old contacts either in our own country or from abroad. You may hear any good news related to your profession. During the mid of the month new hopes in business will arise and you will get mental peace. Your all worries and tensions will be resolved during this phase of the month. Your long pending projects will revive and your profession will touch the new heights. Always think twice before speaking in public. Your economic conditions will improve as well as your health. You may involve yourself in religious activities and social activities. You will be satisfied by the things moving in your desired direction and will give you mental satisfaction during this period. Overall you will get mixed results during this month.