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Computerized Horoscope
Computerized Horoscope
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Astrology Software
Indian Astrology


Tall, slender but stout with age, brownish black hair, well formed body, good features, good looking, graceful, fond of dress, perfumes, art and music, opposite sex, comforts; courteous, hospitable, imaginative, cheerful, just, sexy, passionate, affectionate, charming manners, extravagant, expert in love affairs, tend to adjust in married life, passions rise and die quickly, limited children.

Body parts:
Kidneys, distillation, urinary track

Urinary disorders, kidney stones, skin diseases

Govt servants, officers, public life, in liquid items, chemists, electric engineers, transport, Navy, painters, writers, musicians, actors, playback singers, architects, good salesmen

3, 11 (Disagree with 4, 10, 12)

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