Effects of Planets during their Major Period(S)
General effects of the Lords of different house(s) during their major period are given below :
Major Period of Lord of
Ist House : Rise to high position, happy good health, prosperity
Ill-health, mental worries, no or little progress, failures, frustrations,
IInd House : Accumulation of wealth, general prosperity, addition of a new member in the family, success due to speech, enjoyment of food, success in education
Financial loss, quarrels in the family, unpleasant, eye/mouth troubles, fear from Govt, ineffective speech,
IIIrd House : Cooperation and help from brothers, sisters, neighbours; their prosperity, rise in career, profitable and comfortable short journeys, good news, courage
Quarrels, misunderstanding with brothers, sisters, neighbours; their ill-health, unsuccessful journeys, mental worries, timid
IVth House : Gain from mother, acquisition of land, house, prosperity, agriculture, conveyance, peace, happiness in the family, contented, promotion in career, success in education,
Away from residence, family quarrels, loss of prosperity, litigation for property, problems from conveyance, land, mother; general happiness, disturbed peace of mind
Vth House : Success in examinations, birth of a son, happy news about children, rise/promotion in career, political success, sudden gain of money through lottery, gain from speculation, successful in efforts, romance; religious nature,
Ill-health, loss of children, worries through children, failure in examination, mental worries, irreligious deeds, unsuccessful in effort, scandals, stomach troubles
VIth House : Defeat enemies, debts settled, good wealth, gain of money, gain in service, gain through servants/pets,
Loss through enemies, ill-health, trouble through servants, loss of pets, loss of job
VIIth House : Happiness through wife, partner, opposite sex, gain from luxury items, marriage, auspicious events, success in partnership, travels, business, cooperation
Separation/loss from partnership, wife, opposite sex, difficulties in business, liaison with immoral females, Venereal Diseases, even death, tiring journeys
VIIIth House : Promotion, gain through inheritance, legacy, insurance, pension, gratuity, import-export; debts cleared, long life
Ill-health, sorrows, rivalry, loss of reputation, finances; death, debts
IXth House : General good luck, prosperous, good health, wealthy, good rank, success in college education, religious, useful journeys, pilgrimage,
Bad luck, irreligious, troubles from children, weak finances,
Xth House : Success in career, attempts, promotion, gain of power, authority, good status, name and fame, gain from father, good relations with father, political success
Fall from position, financial loss, unsuccessful in attempts, problems from father, ill-health of father, setback in career, profession;
XIth House : Good inflow of income, happiness from relatives, friends; gain from elder brothers, friends, Govt companies, gain through servants
Trouble to elder brother, friends, sons; ear troubles, cheating by others
XIIth House : Heavy expenditure on good causes, bed-pleasures, enjoy luxuries, good sleep, Moksha
Ill-health, foreign travel, hospitalisation, imprisonment, debts, very bad period