Calculation of Periods
Now, we have to calculate periods. In each major period, there is a further sub-division of period for each planet in the same order as given above. For example, Rahu is from 10.12.1993 to 14.9.2010, as calculated above. During this major period, there will be periods of all planets, i.e. First will be the period of Rahu-Rahu (Major period of Rahu and in that first period of Rahu), followed by Rahu-Jupiter, followed by Rahu-Saturn, Rahu-Mercury, Rahu-Ketu, Rahu-Venus, Rahu-Sun, Rahu-Moon, and Rahu-Mars. We should, therefore, now calculate the exact period of Rahu-Rahu and so on.
Method I :
Formula : Major Period x Period ¸ 120
In the above case, first major period is of Rahu, which is for 18 years (as is clear from the above). Period is also of Rahu.
Hence, (18 x 18) ¸ 120 = 2 7/10 years
Multiply by 12 for converting into months,
7/10 x 12 = 8 4/10
Multiply by 30 for converting into days,
4/10 x 30 = 12 days, i.e.
Period of Rahu-Rahu is 2 years 8 months 12 days.
Method II :
Refer to Table : Vimsottari Dasha and Antardasha : given on page 74. Different periods in years, months, and days are given under each planet. See for Rahu-18 years. Under this, duration of each planet under Rahu is given, totalling 18 years. Our Table on page 74 indicates that duration of Rahu-Rahu is 2y 8m 12d, which is same as calculated above. Now proceed further as under :
Balance of Rahu at the time of birth is 16 y 9m 4 d. Total period of Rahu is 18 years. Hence,
18 y 0 m 0 d
- 16 9 4
1 2 26
That means, 1y 2m 26d have passed in Rahu. We have calculated above that duration of Rahu-Rahu is 2y 8m 12d.
Hence, Balance of Rahu-Rahu 2y 8m 12d
- 1 2 26
1 5 16
d m y
Date of birth : 10 12 1993
Add 16 5 1
26 5 1995
The ending period of Rahu-Rahu 26.5.1995
Again refer to the above Table. Duration of Rahu-Jupiter is 2y 4m 24d.
Rahu-Rahu 26 5 1995
Add Duration of Jupiter 24 4 2
Rahu-Jupiter 20 10 1997
Add duration of Saturn 6 10 2
Rahu-Saturn 26 8 2000
Add duration of Mercury 18 6 2
Rahu-Mercury 14 3 2003
Add duration of Ketu 18 0 1
Rahu-Ketu 2 4 2004
Add duration of Venus 0 0 3
Rahu-Venus 2 4 2007
Add duration of Sun 24 10 0
Rahu-Sun 26 2 2008
Add duration of Moon 0 6 1
Rahu-Moon 26 8 2009
Add duration of Mars 18 0 1
Rahu-Mars 14 9 2010
This tallies with the ending of Rahu period as calculated above, which shows our calculations are correct. If this does not tally, check your totals, etc. again.
In this way, all Periods can be calculated. In this case ending periods will be as under :
Rahu-Rahu 26. 05.1995
Rahu-Jupiter 20.10.1997
Rahu-Saturn 26.08.2000
Rahu-Mercury 14.03.2003
Rahu-Ketu 02.04.2004
Rahu-Venus 02.04.2007
Rahu-Sun 26.02.2008
Rahu-Moon 26.08.2009
Rahu-Mars 14.09.2010
After Rahu, the next major period will be of Jupiter, followed by Saturn and so on. This way, we can proceed further. The period of Jupiter is from 14.9.2010 to 14.9.2026, as calculated above. Again refer to the Table and see under Jupiter (16 years).
Duration of Jupiter-Jupiter (Always, the first period will be of the same planet, and then others follow in the same order as given above) is 2y 1m 18d.
Jupiter starts from 14 9 2010
Add duration of Jupiter 18 1 2
Jupiter-Jupiter (ending) 2 11 2012
This way the periods can be calculated.