Calculation of Houses (Bhavas)
After calculating longitudes of Ascendant and various plants, equally important is to know the stretch of each House. Detailed calculations are done to know the beginning and end of the Houses, to know the exact span of the Houses.
Sidereal time for the above birth 8 h 25 m 58 s
Now refer to Table of Tenth House on page 8 of Tables of Ascendants.
Longitude of 8 h 24 m 3 s 10° 41'
Longitude of 8 h 28 m 3 s 11° 39'
Difference 4 minutes : 58', ( 2 minutes = 29')
Longitude for 8 h 24 m 3 s 10° 41'
Longtude for 2 m 29'
Longitude for 8 h 25m 58s,
i.e. for 8h 26m 3 s 11° 10'
Less Ayanamsha Correection 46'
Longitude for Xth House 3 s 10° 24'
This is the mid-point of the Xth House.
Remaining longitudes of Houses can be worked out in the following manner:
Ascendant 6 s 10° 28'
Less Xth House 3 s 100 24'
3 s 00° 02'
Divide this by 6,
0 s 15° 00' ..... A
IVth House is the opposite of Xth House. So, add 6 to the Xth House to obtain IVth House.
Xth House 3 s 10° 24'
Add 6 6 s 00° 00'
IVth House 9 s 10° 24'
Less Ist House (I) 6 s 100 28'
2 s 29° 56'
Divide this by 6,
0 s 14° 59' ..... B
Now, Xth House 3 s 10° 24'
Add A 0 s 15° 00'
Joint (Sandhi) of X & XI 3 s 25° 24'
Add A 0 s 15° 00'
XIth House 4 s 10° 24'
Add A 0 s 15° 00'
Joint (Sandhi) of XI & XII 4 s 25° 24'
Add A 0 s 15° 00'
XIIth House 5 s 10° 24'
Add A 0 s 15° 00'
Joint (Sandhi) of XII & I 5 s 25° 24'
Just to check whether the calculations are going right, add A to the above, to obtain Ist House, which should tally with the Longitude of Ascendant/Ist House i.e. 6s 10° 28'. Always remember a difference of 1' or 2' could always be there because accurate and minutes calculations are not done.
Again, proceed further :
Ist House 6 s 10° 28'
Add B 0 s 14° 59'
Joint (Sandhi) of I & II 6 s 25° 27'
Add B 0 s 14° 59'
IInd House 7 s 10° 26'
Add B 0 s 14° 59'
Joint (Sandhi) of II & III 7 s 25° 23'
Add B 0 s 14° 59'
IIIrd House 8 s 10° 24'
Add B 0 s 14° 59'
Joint (Sandhi) of III & IV 8 s 25° 23'
Just to check whether the calculations are going right, add B to the above, to obtain IVth House, which should tally with the above (IV).
So far, we have got the longitudes of Houses I, II, III, IV, X, XI, and XII.
Add 6 to Ist House, to obtain VIIth House, which is opposite to Ist House.
Ist House 6 s 10° 28'
Add 6s 6 s 00° 00'
VIIth House 0 s 10° 28'
Similarly, Add 6 to IInd House, to obtain VIIIth House, which is opposite to IInd House.
IInd House 7 s 10° 26'
Add 6s 6 s 00° 00'
VIIIth House 1 s 10° 26'
Similarly, add 6 to IIIrd House, to obtain IXth house, which is opposite to IIIrd House.
IIIrd House 8 s 10° 24'
Add 6s 6 s 00° 00'
IXth House 2 s 10° 24'
Similarly, add 6 to XIth house, to obtain Vth House, which is opposite to XIth House :
XIth House 4 s 10° 26'
Add 6s 6 s 00° 00°
Vth House 10 s 10° 26'
Similarly, add 6 to XIIth House, to obtain VIth House, which is opposite to XIIth House.
XIIth House 5 s 10° 28'
Add 6s 6 s 00° 00
VIth House 11 s 10° 28'
Now, we have got the stretches of all the House. These could be written in a Bhav Chakra/Bhav Table/Bhav Spasht Table, as under :
Ist Sandhi IInd Sandhi IIIrd Sandhi
s - ° - ' s - ° - ' s - ° - ' s - ° - ' s - ° - ' s - ° - '
6-10-28 6-25-27 7-10-26 7-25 25 8-10-24 8-25-23
IVth Sandhi Vth Sandhi VIth Sandhi
9-10-24 9-25-24 10-10-26 10-25-28 11-10-28 11-25-28
VIIth Sandhi VIIIth Sandhi IXth Sandhi
0-10-28 0-25-28 1-10-26 1-25-24 2-10-24 2-25-24
Xth Sandhi XIth Sandhi XIIth Sandhi
3-10-24 3-25-24 4-10-27 4-25-24 5-10-24 5-25-21